Uninstall McAfee

Are you looking out for the simplest instructions for the McAfee uninstall process? Well, that depends on the type of device you are using. Didn’t get it? Let’s make you understand the same by providing different processes for uninstalling your McAfee product from Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS devices. For the last two, you download and install McAfee mobile application; therefore, you can uninstall it like any other regular application. To be more precise, tap and hold the McAfee antivirus icon on your mobile phone and select uninstall. In some of the devices, you might also need to go to the Settings, choose Applications, find McAfee from the list, open it and then tap the Uninstall option. 

For uninstalling McAfee from a Windows PC, go to the Control Panel and then open Programs or All Programs. From the list, right-click on the McAfee, and choose Uninstall. In case of a Mac, open the Dock, locate and access the Application folder, uninstall the McAfee software available in the list. Enter your admin password and click Ok to finish the process. For further information, call Uninstall McAfee support number 1 888-315-97812.